Free Yoga in the Park

Unwind and rejuvenate with free yoga in the park, a blissful experience in the heart of Chiang Mai. Immerse yourself in the serene natural surroundings as you embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner harmony.

Free Yoga in the Park in Chiang Mai

Engage in invigorating yoga sessions amidst the tranquil beauty of Chiang Mai’s parks. Our experienced instructors will guide you through a harmonious flow of postures and mindful breathing exercises, allowing you to release tension, improve flexibility, and nurture a sense of well-being.

A Rejuvenating Experience Amidst Nature

Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and find tranquility in the lush greenery of Chiang Mai’s parks. Connect with the energy of the natural world as you practice yoga, breathing in fresh air and embracing the peaceful surroundings.

Discover Inner Peace and Well-Being

Indulge in moments of self-care and find inner peace through the practice of yoga. These sessions are suitable for all levels, from beginners to experienced yogis. Let go of stress, cultivate mindfulness, and nurture a deeper connection with yourself.

Every morning at 9:00 at the pavilion in the Nong Buak Haad Public Park.

Check Yoga in the Park for the latest schedule!

View on a pavilion in a pond, a fountain and a tea cup as art decoration

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